2015 Business Mecca: Panama Oeste

News from Panama / Monday, March 16th, 2015

panama oeste

Banks, supermarkets, shopping centers and residential development projects characterize the growth of a province with half a million consumers.

There are approximately 500,000 inhabitants who are demanding more services, especially in areas such as health, restaurants, shops and banks, which although present in the province need to be expanded on in order to meet consumer needs which are growing fast in Panama Oeste.

Martesfinanciero.com reports that “… Business opportunities in the tenth province are being closely followed mostly by investors, banks, developers and other business entities. They know that beyond the Bridge of the Americas or the Centennial Bridge, there is fertile ground to plant in and harvest good yields. ”

For example, “… The banking sector is present and they are feeling the dynamics in development, most of the entities are already in the province. This is the case for Banco General, Banistmo, BAC, Global Bank, Banesco, Caja de Ahorros, and Multibank, among others, serving the needs of consumers, and providing mortgage and commercial loans to the population. But they also offer corporate banking services. “