Mercantil Banco and Capital Bank complete their merger

News from Panama / Friday, October 6th, 2023

Banco Mercantil and Capital Bank, recently finalized their merger which will strengthen their position in the Panamanian banking market and from this moment on both entities will operate as a single bank under the Mercantil brand.

The company points out that at the beginning of December 2022, Mercantil and Capital Bank obtained regulatory authorizations to finalize the aforementioned transaction. Likewise, the merger was approved by the Superintendency of Banks of Panama, and has been duly documented in public records.

Gustavo Vollmer, president of Mercantil, highlighted the importance of this merger in the context of Mercantil’s 98-year history. “From our merger process, we are a more solid and competitive organization, which allows us to reaffirm our promise of value, to continue building a success story that reaches almost 100 years, with a talent of great human quality, trained and committed to offering an excellent experience to our customers.”