Nestle Purchasing Center in Panama

News from Panama / Tuesday, January 26th, 2016


The global food company may have chosen Panama to set up a purchasing center in order to meet demand from the entire Latin American region.

According review, the minister Augusto Arosemena announced that the food company Nestle has opened a regional purchasing center in Panama.

In the article Arosemena said that “… ‘They (Nestle) currently have two regional centers of this kind, one in Switzerland and one in Malaysia. And now they have invested in Panama in order to handle all of their purchases at the regional level ‘… the aim is to serve the Latin American market.

“… The information was announced during the presentation of a strategic logistics plan for 2030 whose purpose is to promote the value of Panama as a strategic point and all the facilities that the country has to offer to all national and transnational corporations. “