My video picks for the month

News from Panama / Thursday, January 9th, 2014

Here are two videos that I like. One not so serious and fun and one that is serious and very moving.

This is a great video for the dance enthusiast.  Click here to view it

This is a more serious one about real life and I did find this moving, especially now that I am turning 60 and entering the second half of my life!

Many of us who have serious disabilities wonder just what the future holds for us. And we wonder how we will do the things that all of us must do when the time comes we can’t manage on our own. This brief story is about how one couple manages.   As a married couple this pair is moving along living the vows they made to each other 50 years before.

I know that my wife  does so much for me that would be difficult if not impossible to do on my own. I thank her for that every day and tell her how much she means to me.

We all can hope that as we all draw nearer to the end of our lives, we can find a partner to contract with who will live the contract with us too.God Bless!

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