I have been looking into the feasibility of getting into palm oil and it is looking good. The land is available and the prices are right as are the tax incentives. The turnaround is three years and the grove will last 30 years with minimal labor requirements.
This in from Prensa.com
Producers in Panama have begun exporting to England with a shipment of 1,300 tons of crude oil and 200 tons of palm kernel oil worth $1.8 million. The shipment was made by Servicios Múltiples Empresa Asociativa Productora de Aceite de Chiriquí (Coopemapachi) and was sent in the first week of May.
This first shipment was sold for 1.8 million dollars, and Coopemapachi producers are scheduled to send a similar shipment every month, reported Prensa.com.
In order to meet growing demand, producers in Baru have planted 1,800 hectares of oil palm.