Money Laundering Culture in Costa Rica and Panama

News from Panama / Tuesday, November 10th, 2015

money laundering

We are all responsible for fighting against the culture of easy money through laundering which attracts investments of dubious legality and generates situations of corruption, insecurity, threats and extortion.

The main business association in Panama has joined various international and national organizations, noting the need for “… the private sector and citizens to adhere to the efforts of the public sector, since the responsibility for preventing and combating laundering, is a joint project. ”

Similarly a statement from the Costa Rican Drug Institute notes that “… Criminal manifestations are rapidly deteriorating the image of the country, institutions, corporate entrepreneurship, culture of effort and transparency of capital. In their ambition for a culture of quick and easy money, people forget all about study and hard work, without caring about the fact that this money comes from the blood and suffering of others. The country’s image is being stained by criminal incidence in all its manifestations, therefore we must realize we are suffering from a direct attack which the state alone can not manage without the help of the private sector and civil society. ”

From a statement issued by the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama (CCIAP):

International Day for Prevention of Money Laundering Celebrated

Panama, October 29, 2015. With the aim of promoting awareness and articulation of the public and private sectors in a joint strategy to prevent money laundering in Panama, eleven institutions among them both public and private entities and the United Nations have joined forces to mark the International Day to celebrate the prevention of money laundering.