Mexico Says It’s Preparing in Case Trump Makes it to the White House

News from Panama / Tuesday, October 11th, 2016


Mexico is already prepared just in case Donald Trump makes it to the White House.

The country’s Secretary of Foreign Relations José Paulo Carreño announced Tuesday that Mexico has a “defensive strategy of containment” should the Republican Presidential Candidate win office.

Carreño said they have already identified actions to take should the United States violate the North American Free Trade Agreement.

However, the official recognized that their strategies have not been completed in detail. Also that, “nobody knows, probably not even Trump, what he wants to do and what is possible to do should he become president. ”

He added that Trump’s visit to Mexico is almost irrelevant.

“That episode is just a footnote when compared to what Preident Obama understands and, until recently, what President Peña Nieto understood. I think this is a situation that must be seen in the medium term, regardless of the stridency of the short term.”

During the Cumbre Empresaria AEM 2016, business leaders, diplomats and academics urged businesses in the United States and Mexico to defend the bilateral relations established through NAFTA despite whatever Trump claims about the agreement’s legitimacy.

“We need a campaign that builds bridges,” said Vice President of the US Chamber of Commerce Jodi Bond. “We aren’t going to build a wall because frankly the economy of the United States doesn’t have an economy without social and friendly business relationships.”

Panam Post by Elena Toledo