María Eugenia López is re-elected as president of the Supreme Court of Justice of Panama

News from Panama / Friday, January 5th, 2024

With five votes in favor and four against, the jurist María Eugenia López has been re-elected as president of the Court of Justice of Panama for the period 2024-2025, the highest court in the country.

President López will be accompanied by magistrate Carlos Vásquez, who will be her vice president. His opponent in this election was Judge Olmedo Arrocha.

During her speech, Magistrate López said she was committed to Panamanian justice and that to do so, she intends to strengthen the institution. He specified that this year, the Supreme Court of Justice has US$56.4 million, which is 17.2% more than the previous year’s budget

He added that as part of his strategic plan, he will launch the creation of 34 judicial units and 8 new user service centers, creation of 373 new positions to strengthen judicial and administrative dependencies, salary increase to judicial and institute offices among others.

He added that among the main projects are study and feasibility and tendering of the Judicial Unit of Panama which will have a construction period of four years and at a cost of US$ 500 million, digital transformation of the Judicial Body, completion of the Judicial Unit of West Panama and the completion of the construction of the Academic Center of Santa María in the province of Herrera among other works to be completed.