Law on noise control measures in Panama is approved

News from Panama / Friday, September 29th, 2023

The Law, known as initiative 751, was approved in the second debate in the National Assembly, it aims to establish a legal basis that regulates noise standards. This measure responds to numerous complaints related to the negative effects of noise on public health and social coexistence. It is mentioned that there will be administrative provisions related to infractions and sanctions to ensure compliance with noise regulations.

The authorities in charge of applying this law are mentioned, which include the Local Governments authorized by the Ministry of Health to measure noise and apply sanctions at the municipal level, as well as the Social Security Fund (CSS) on issues related to occupational health.

The new law requires that people who consider themselves affected by the harmful effects of noise undergo a subjective audiometry test every 9 months to verify if they have experienced hearing loss.

The text points out that, in Panamanian law, there are already rules on noise prevention and control, but they are dispersed in various laws and regulations. The new law seeks to consolidate these regulations and establish a general legal framework.

It is mentioned that at the international level, noise prevention and control has become a major concern in many cities due to rapid urban growth and its effects on quality of life

4 Replies to “Law on noise control measures in Panama is approved”

  1. I am a retired senior with a Panamanian residency card, and I suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It have a difficult time finding a quiet pace to live here, with all the barking dogs, crowing roasters, loud disco-music and house party, it seem that many people here don’t care about their neighbors. Of course, this happens every where, but it occurs more frequently here in Panama. There is a nearby night club here in Boquete that placed speakers outside their establishment. Although their patrons are inside the club, apparently the owner wants everyone withing a 2.5 mile radius to hear the music. The noise keep residents awake until the place closes, about 3:30 or 4:00 a.m. I contacted city officials but never received a response. Tourist come here to Boquete and take fun tours or have a fun day at the beach. When they return to their hotels they are exhausted and want to sleep but cannot because of one noisy establishment, and the owner couldn’t care less about his surrounding neighbors.
    I would to thank whoever initiated and approved this very powerful decision to decrease the noise level all over Panama.

  2. El alcalde de Boquete está violando directamente la nueva ordenanza sobre ruido.

    Hay un club nocturno en propiedad de la ciudad en la feria que se alquila. El alcalde ha prometido por escrito al inquilino de este establecimiento poner música a todo volumen a través de los parlantes ubicados fuera del club nocturno que pueden estar claramente a lo largo de más de dos millas a la redonda de la feria hasta las 3:00 y las 4:00 a. m. todos los fines de semana. (Por eso estoy despierto, no puedo dormir).
    Se han presentado numerosas quejas ante los funcionarios de la ciudad y el departamento de policía local, pero no pueden detener el ruido porque el alcalde controla todo lo que sucede aquí en Boquete. Los clientes de los hoteles se quejan de la música alta.
    ¿Cómo paramos esta música alta para poder dormir los fines de semana?
    ¿Qué podemos hacer cuando un funcionario de la ciudad infringe la ley? Queremos que este ruido SE DETENGA.


    En la feria hay una discoteca en propiedad municipal que se alquila. El alcalde le ha dado permiso por escrito al inquilino de este establecimiento para reproducir música a todo volumen a través de los parlantes ubicados fuera del club nocturno para que la música se pueda escuchar claramente en un radio de dos millas de la feria hasta las 3:00 a 4:00 a. m. todos los fines de semana. Esto ha estado sucediendo desde abril de 2023, y

    Se han presentado numerosas quejas a los funcionarios de la ciudad y al departamento de policía local, pero no pueden detener el ruido porque el alcalde controla todo lo que sucede aquí en Boquete. Los clientes de los hoteles se quejan de la música alta.

    ¿Cómo paramos esta música alta para poder dormir el fin de semana? Tengo entendido que colocar altavoces a todo volumen fuera del establecimiento animará a más clientes. La lógica psicológica de su razonamiento es totalmente ilógica.

    ¿Qué podemos hacer cuando un funcionario de la ciudad infringe la ley? Detuvimos una petición que circulaba localmente cuando escuchamos que la ordenanza a nivel nacional había sido aprobada y asumimos que el alcalde cumpliría, pero eso no sucedió. Se supone que el alcalde debe dar un buen ejemplo siguiendo las leyes, no infringiéndolas. Queremos que este ruido SE DETENGA.

    Si no puede hacer nada al respecto, diríjame al departamento correcto.

    There is a night club on city property at the fair that is rented out. The mayor has given the renter of this establishment written permission to play loud music over speakers located outside the nightclub that the music can be clearly heard for over a two-mile radius of the fair until 3:00 to 4:00 a.m. every weekend. This has been going on since April 2023, and
    numerous complaints have been made to city officials and the local police department, but they can’t stop the noise because the mayor controls everything that goes on here in Boquete. Clients at hotels are complaining about the loud music.
    How do we stop this loud music so that we can sleep on the weekend? My understanding is that by placing blasting speakers outside the establishment will encourage more customers. The psychological logic of their rationale is totally illogical.
    What can we do when a city official breaks the law? We stopped a local circulating petition when we heard that the nationwide ordinance was approved, and we assumed that the Mayor would comply, but that didn’t happen. The mayor is supposed to set a good example by following the laws, not breaking them. We want this noise to STOP.
    If you cannot do anything about this nuisance, please direct me to the correct department.

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