Judy Ganes Chase left Wall Street for Panama City, where she’s even busier

News from Panama / Monday, March 31st, 2014

Ben Fischer a Reporter with the New York Business Journal interviews Judy on why she moved to Panama her life after Wall Street.

Until 2013, Judy Ganes Chase seemed like the sort of person who simply wouldn’t make sense living anywhere but New York. She was nearly three decades into a career on Wall Street, including the last 12 years as the owner of her own  commodities consulting firm. Her analysis of the worldwide coffee markets is a mainstay in the business pages.

But then she and her husband left the city and moved to Panama last year. Don’t get the wrong idea; she didn’t disappear into the tropics like some burnt out Master of the Universe. If anything, she’s working harder. That’s because she kept her consulting business and opened up two frozen yogurt shops, franchises of the Chicago-based chain Forever Yogurt.

We connected with her via email to find out how the big transition is working out.

Q: Why did you move to Panama? Do you have any regrets? “The move to Panama from New York was somewhat spontaneous. After lamenting with a business colleague about being an empty nester and wanting to relocate somewhere, he suggested Panama because it fit my criteria — close proximity to an international airport with easy access and connections through Star Alliance, mild winters and a water view. My one regret is not being able to sell my New York home sooner!”

Q: Why Forever Yogurt?“After careful due diligence of several other franchises of the same concept, the Forever Yogurt branding, design and commitment to being innovative and flexible was very appealing and made the decision an easy one.”

Q: Why now?“After moving here, I realized I could not get the same quality and product offerings I had back at home in the States

Q: How are you juggling your consulting business and operating frozen yogurt shops?“I feel like a mom of quintuplets. I function under very little sleep! Fortunately, I can multi-task extremely well. My analytical skills, marketing know-how and knowledge of the food and beverage industry can be applied to the management and operation of the yogurt cafes.”

Q: What’s the most surprising aspect of living in Panama after living in New York City? “It takes some getting used to things not being done in a ‘New York minute.’ That has been the hardest adjustment.”

Q: Why Kosher? (Her Panama stores keep kosher.) Explain a little more about the changes you had to make to the concept and why. “Actually, the kosher aspect is simple. There is a significant orthodox Jewish population in Panama that has not been able to enjoy quality frozen kosher yogurt and the breadth of toppings/variety that will be offered in the Panama Forever Yogurt cafes. Most of the products, from the yogurt to the toppings, are certified kosher anyway. Most people don’t realize this. Only some gummi-type items are generally not kosher depending on the brand. Careful selection in ordering and correct labeling for clients to show whether it contains dairy or not were the only adjustments really necessary and of course maintaining the integrity of the kosher certification within the store.”