JetBlue Will Fly You Out of the Country if Your Presidential Candidate Loses

News from Panama / Friday, October 12th, 2012

Want to make good on your threat on skipping town if your candidate loses in the election?  I am hearing a lot of people telling me that they want to migrate south and for good reason.

JetBlue is offering 1,006 “winners” and their chosen companions free round trip flights out of the country to any of the airline’s international destinations, most of which are in the Caribbean. Participants have to pick their candidate on JetBlue’s Election Protection website before Election Day, and your candidate has to lose on the big day before you’re eligible. Think of it as a consolation prize; and hey, no one’s forcing you to use that return leg ticket, are they?

“We’ve all heard it said before: if my candidate does not win, I’m leaving the country,” said JetBlue marketing executive Marty St. George in a statement. “Fun is one of our five founding values, and in this spirit we decided to give people a chance to recover from the political noise and follow through on their claim to skip town if their candidate comes up short.”

And just to shake things up a little bit, the Election Protection website also polls participants on which destinations they prefer and shows how those preferences break down along party lines. Not that it really seems to matter: both Republicans and Democrats seem to prefer the tropical blue waters of St. Maarten pretty equally. At least that’s something they can agree on.