Ingeteam consolidates its presence in wind energy in Panama

News from Panama / Tuesday, April 20th, 2021

Ingeteam has obtained a new contract in Panama to carry out the operation and maintenance (O&M) tasks of the substation of the Penonomé Wind Farm, the first in Panama and one of the largest in Central America. Including AES Eólico Penonomé, which consists of 22 turbines and whose power is 55 megawatts, and which is located in the province of Coclé, in the central area of ??Panama. The project came into operation in 2014 and marked a milestone, as it was the first wind energy project in the country.

Since 2012, the Panamanian subsidiary of Ingeteam has been linked to the complex, carrying out start-up, operation and maintenance work for Goldwing for 4 years and, currently, expanding its capacities with this new contract for AES Panama, assuming the O&M tasks of the park substation.

This contract represents the first collaboration project between Ingeteam and AES Panama, which opens the door to future collaboration actions between both entities. AES Panama, a subsidiary of the US The AES Corporation, acquired Goldwind’s stake in the Penonomé wind complex in August 2020. AES Panama is currently the largest electricity generator in the country and an international energy giant.
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