Indestructible: Baseball on the Isthmus

News from Panama / Friday, October 12th, 2012

A feature documentary about the mighty history and uncertain future of baseball in Panama, and those who are trying to save it.

Currently in the late stages of post-production, ¡Indestructible!: Baseball on the Isthmus is a documentary film about the mighty history and uncertain future of baseball in the Republic of Panama?, and those fighting to recapture the sport from the grips of crisis.

My friend sent me this appeal for funding to finish the film and they are not to far away from their goals.

Panama was first to field  a baseball team in Latin America and we cannot let this slip away.

Here is the producer’s story on  his challenges and his dreams.  What really amazes me is the fact that he needs around $10,000 to finish and Panama has not stepped up to fund this.  I hope some people here read this and step up to the plate!!   For the rest of you please give, even if it is $5.  See the Kick Starter Web Site for the donation program underway right now

Here is the films website