Impact of Labor Flexibility

News from Panama / Tuesday, May 28th, 2019

The growing trend to work for companies that offer the flexibility to work from home or in spaces outside the office, is modifying the employee performance and even triggering changes in the real estate market.

Experts on the subject say that Panama reports a growing trend, which consists of employees choosing not to work in eminently corporate environments and do so in coworking’s, cafeterias and avant-garde offices, or even work from home.

Borja Castelar, LinkedIn‘s new business leader for Central America, explained to that “… More and more people are interested in companies offering the benefits of working at home or having two or more days of flexible work.

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Tina Chu, an expert in the real estate sector, said that because of “… the business need to increase results. Companies of all sizes realized that their employees need “flexibility and ease of movement” to improve the organization’s “productivity rates. It’s more than proven that at home you get, for example, a better work performance. This has led to less office space being required.

These new trends are explaining part of the transformation of the real estate market, as the change in preferences has resulted in a decline in demand for traditional offices. Data from the Panamanian Chamber of Construction specify that until September last year investment in office construction only registered fluctuations in the townships of Parque Lefevre and Tocumen.

According to IDC estimations, by 2020 globally, it is estimated that 72% of employees will work remotely.

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