Huge Interest in Tocumen Duty Free Spaces

News from Panama / Tuesday, October 4th, 2016


Now there are ten major international companies interested in taking part in the tender for 1500 square meters of commercial space in Terminal 1 of Tocumen Airport.

Among the companies that expressed their interest to the administrators of Panama City airport are DFS, Duffry, Duty Free America, Heineman, DFAASS, Legarde, Penna and Flamingo. reports that “…These companies operate in countries such as Singapore, Germany, Switzerland, the United States, Brazil, Italy, Mexico, Canada, China, Colombia, Chile, England and some Caribbean islands.   Motta International and Waked International, S.A. (WISA), the current concessionaires of Tocumen are interested in continuing.”

Joseph Fidanque III, manager of Tocumen S.A.,  explained that “… the services of the British firm Pragma Consulting have been hired to define the path to follow in order to tender the commercial spaces of the current terminal, as well as duty free spaces in the new building, about 2,000 square meters. The company will recommend to Tocumen if the tenders should be held simultaneously or separately. “