How Quickly Do We “Travel” on the Internet?

News from Panama / Wednesday, January 15th, 2014

In Panama it is up to 5.12 Mbps, in Nicaragua 3.53, in Honduras 3.43, Guatemala 3.32, in El Salvador 3.10 , and in Costa Rica up to 2.81 Mbps.  While it has improved, we have a long way to go compared to our neighbors in South America.

The data has been provided by, which based on millions of user controls on the speed of their internet downloads, maintains a ranking of 188 countries according to the average download speeds in Mbps over the past 30 days where the average distance between the client and the server is less than 300 miles.

In order to do business and for the overall development of economies, the speed with which we “travel” to our connections on the Internet is now equally or more important than the speed with which we can travel on our roads.

Globally, Hong Kong and Singapore top the rankings, with download speeds of 69.66 and 59.36 megabytes per second, respectively.

Regional neighbors include Uruguay (33 in the ranking) with 19.52 Mbps, Chile (47) with 14.64, and Mexico (62) with 10.41.