Health and Safety: Protocols for Companies Formalized

News from Panama / Tuesday, July 21st, 2020

In order to reactivate economic activity in Panama, the authorities of the Ministry of Health published in the Official Journal the guidelines of strict compliance for companies and workers.

Although in mid-May it was announced that as a result of the covid-19 outbreak companies will have to submit to strict compliance with some rules, the protocols were made official with the publication in the Official Journal of Resolution No. 198 of July 10, 2020.

Regarding the organization of the Special Committee on Health and Hygiene for the prevention and care of covid-19 in each company and economic sector, the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development will facilitate the companies the process of registration of the Committee, the respective protocols and other documents in the platform of Panama Digital.

The official publication states that the Committee must include “… at least one representative of each of the unions in the company.

In cases where the number of unions, existing in the company, exceeds the number of positions representing workers in the Committee, the number of positions in the Committee will be increased. Accordingly, the employee representation will be increased, to be equal to the number of union representatives.

See full publication (in Spanish).
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