With the approval of the environmental and social impact study the Grand Canal Commission has facilitated the beginning of the construction of the waterway.
The Grand Canal Commission has approved the study presented by the Chinese company HKND, concluding that the final impact of the proposed construction of the canal will be positive for the country in social, economic and environmental terms.
Elnuevodiario.com.ni reports that “… The Canal of Nicaragua, 278 kilometers long, and with a width of between 230 meters and 520 meters, and a depth of 30 meters, will start from the Pacific coast of Brito, in southwestern Nicaragua, and go to the mouth of the river Punta Gorda, in the Caribbean, after crossing 105 kilometers of Lake Nicaragua.
The studies were submitted in June to the authorities of the Ortega government by the company HKND Group.
Source: elnuevodiario.com.ni
In the meantime, there was more aerial photography of the canal taken.