Government is committed to private investments for the benefit of Panamanians

News from Panama / Friday, August 2nd, 2024

Facilitating all private investment initiatives in favor and for the benefit of all Panamanians, is the commitment of the new Government, said by the Minister of the Presidency, Juan Carlos Orillac, during the inauguration of the new board of directors of the Panamanian Association of Business Executives (Apede) for the period 2024-2025, headed by Giulia De Sanctis.

Minister Orillac stressed that the administration will implement the necessary mechanisms to start a process of progressive economic recovery in the nation. “We visualize a Panama full of challenges and new opportunities that allow us to move towards the progress and social peace that all Panamanians so long for,” Orillac said.

On the other hand, he indicated that the country’s urgent needs are being addressed with priority by the new Government, despite having inherited many problems with worrying situations on issues of national importance.

“The Mulino administration will attend to each situation seeking its respective solution; and in terms of inherited economic debts, have the complete certainty that each and every one of the economic commitments will be honored,” said the Minister of the Presidency.

With this statement, the Government reaffirms its intention to work hand in hand with the private sector to boost the growth and development of the country, ensuring that investments are a key engine for the well-being of all citizens.