The Council of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), approved the financing of the project, called “Improving the governance of the sea basin to reduce the impacts on large transboundary marine ecosystems in the SICA region,” with an amount of US$ 20 million.
The project aims to improve environmental sustainability, economic prosperity and climate resilience in the large marine ecosystems of the Pacific, the coast of Central America and the Caribbean, through a sea basin approach that safeguards marine and freshwater resources for ecosystems and livelihoods.
The implementation of the new project will be led by the Central American Environment and Development Commission (CCAD), composed of the environment ministries of the eight countries of the SICA region (Central America and the Dominican Republic), and will have the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as the implementing agency.
For the CEO and executive president of the GEF, Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Echandi, Central America and the Dominican Republic are very vulnerable nations to climate change and require high investments to combat the dramatic effects on their ecosystems and communities.
Upon learning of the approval of the new regional project, the Executive Secretary of the CCAD, Jair Urriola Quiroz, stressed that this regional project was designed by the technical teams of the eight countries that make up the CCAD and supported from the initial idea by the Council of Ministers and Ministers of the Environment.