French Consortium Wins Canal Over Bridge Tender

News from Panama / Wednesday, October 31st, 2012

With the widening of the Panama Canal to access the new larger vessels that intend on transiting Panama comes the need for new taller bridges that will allow the wider and taller ships to pass under them.

Vinci Construction Grand Projets was awarded the construction of the fourth bridge over the Panama Canal for $366 million.

The French consortium offered the lowest price out of the three pre-qualified candidates, less than the $386 million from Tradeco Acciona and the $429 million from Hyundai Odebrecth.

The figure offered by the French consortium is below the official budget, said the Panama Canal Authority in a press release.

The design of the bridge, located on the Atlantic side of the Canal, is inspired by similar works from countries such as Spain, Korea, France, China and Japan.

The plan is to make a double delta bracing bridge in an inverted “Y” shape, with four lanes. Its length is 4.6 kilometers including its viaducts and the elevation is 75 meters above sea level. Its construction is entirely of concrete.

Source: Panama Canal Authority