Free Zone Logistics Center in Tocumen

News from Panama / Tuesday, April 19th, 2016

tocumen free zone

In an area measuring 200 hectares the airport administration will develop a free zone for logistics companies, investing $30 million in the first stage.

The airport administrators said that “… the plans focus on adapting the 200 hectares that are part of the land area of the cargo terminal, transforming them mainly so that they can be developed by companies working in logistics services, storage of goods, assembly, high – tech companies related to aviation and airports, processing of finished or semi – finished products, specialized health services, among other things. ”

“… The estimated investment amount for this project is about 30 million dollars in its first stage. At the moment studies are being undertaken of the different business models that will be implemented in this area. The administration of Tocumen, foresees major growth in this sector, and has developed a master development plan with investments up to 20 years which include leveling the land and building infrastructure to ensure strong growth, while providing the opportunity for companies to set up in the special area or free trade model that will strengthen the logistics cluster in the airport. ”

From a statement issued by Tocumen International Airport:

The increase in demand for cargo movement through air transport has led to the administrators of Tocumen International Airport to propose alternatives for the development of a logistics area that includes the implementation of a free trade zone, within the grounds of the Panamanian terminal.

Beyond the high passenger traffic recorded in the “Hub of the Americas”, and in addition to it, the idea it to take advantage of the connectivity it provides, by fostering a development of a strategy for this area which will allow the land infrastructure and geographic location to be used in a better way.