News from Panama / Tuesday, July 10th, 2018

My friends at Punta Pacifica Realty in the City sent me this incredible video of dinning in the sky over Panama. Click on the picture above to experience it.

This might be really cool or really crazy, depending on your perspective. A company called Dinner in the Sky Panama is offering people a chance to eat a fancy meal while they are dangling on a platform 45 meters above the ground.

The operation has set up on Naos Harbour Island on Amador Causeway and, if nothing else, it is definitely a one-of-a-kind experience. A crane lifts the platform into the sky and guests are served a gourmet meal, in what the Website describes as a “magisterial environment with unsurpassed views of the eighth wonder of the world, our Panama Canal.”

Naos Harbour Island property manager Brian Kelly had the chance to test it out with his wife.

“It was impressive,” Kelly says. “We felt very secure and stable and the views were amazing.”

Interested in staying or investing in Naos Harbour Island? Fill out the form to request information on availability and apartment inventory. 

The company offers a variety of options, including breakfast, a brunch and sunset dinner. The menu typically includes a three-course meal and a drink, priced at $150 per person. (And there are vegetarian and kosher menus available.)

Dinner in the Sky is not a new concept. It has been around for 14 years in more than 50 countries and almost 1 million people have participated, according to the company. Dinner in the Sky Panama also “complies with the strictest national and European security rules,” the company says.

For more information, the Dinner in the Sky website.

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