Deadliest Roads | Panama | Free Documentary

News from Panama / Tuesday, May 25th, 2021

“Nothing is impossible and at least I will leave something for my children. When I die I’ll die happy.”  North America is linked to the south by the Pan-American highway, but in the middle of the route, there is a gap stretching 100 km or 60 miles between Panama and Columbia – the Darien. It is a region without roads. Everyone living in the area depends on the river for their livelihood. We follow these everyday heroes for whom every trip, every movement, is a struggle against or with nature. Wild, savage, danger lurks. Adventure and fantasy. Jaguars lairs. Gateway to the United States. The green hell. The Region of the Impossible.  This area of land is an impenetrable jungle, road building would be hugely expensive and difficult – so far, no political consensus regarding that missing link in the route across the Americas has been reached. Or course. It’s always about politics. Officially and of the unofficial kind. Smugglers and human traffickers are familiar with the region. “The water is safe to drink. It’s like fruit juice,” they tell the hopefuls underway to a better life – having paid a steep price to these criminals leading them through the jungle. Um, yeah no. The water is not safe to drink.   From smugglers to superheroes: A regular route for Gina, aka Wonder Woman: bringing supplies to Boca de Cupe from Panama City. It takes about 12 hours to cover 30 km. The villagers are happy and jump for joy when they see Gina coming up the river toward them.  A little paradise in the middle of nowhere. No telephones, no running water. They live primarily from agriculture – bananas.  This is Gina’s life work. She works for Darien and the people of Darien. Success and survival in that area of the world come at a cost. Her husband minds the grocery store. Gina is the nomad – she lives on the road. She transports all supplies between Panama City and Boca de Cupe. You must never tell Gina she is a great woman. Her answer will be: “For the people of Darien, nothing is impossible.” She is a great woman   Available worldwide .
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