David Loe: Cruising the Panama Canal

News from Panama / Monday, February 13th, 2017

Princess cruise

This is a very cool story of David’s planed cruise to enjoy Central America and watch the Super Bowl on the poolside 300 foot screen on board Princess Cruise.

There are quite a few Panama Canal cruises that leave Los Angeles or San Diego in the winter months. I selected this itinerary for a very specific reason. The voyage starts with four uninterrupted days at sea. That means you skip all the Mexican ports and head directly to Central America.

As an experienced cruiser I’ve been to all the west coast ports of Mexico many times over the years. I don’t really need to visit them again, and the idea of beginning a cruise with nothing but the relaxation of gliding along on the blue ocean without all the hustle and bustle of port stops was intriguing.

I’m writing this while sipping room service coffee on my shady balcony on the morning of day three. There will be one more full day at sea before our first stop in Guatemala. The weather has just today taken a turn for the tropical. That usually happens once you get south of Cabo San Lucas. The seas have been delightfully calm, which is another good reason for starting a Panama Canal itinerary in California instead of Florida. By heading south the winds and waves are pushing you along instead of in your face. That usually assures smooth sailing

I talk to many cruisers who find days at sea boring and prefer an itinerary with a port almost every day. This would not be the cruise for them. I find it a fun challenge to adjust from the fast paced, appointment-filled lifestyle we all lead to the slower pace of life at sea. Among the perks: sleeping late, leisurely meals, long strolls on the open decks, and actually finding time to read a book or two.

A highlight of last Sunday at sea was watching the Super Bowl. Alas the international feed did not include the commercials, which are always a big part of the fun, but the thrilling game made up for it. Years ago the Super Bowl at sea was frequently a technical disaster due to the challenge of maintaining a satellite signal aimed at a ship moving on the ocean. I can remember several games where the picture would often freeze just as the quarterback was fading back to pass. The next image we’d see was the offense huddling for the next play. Not an ideal way to watch an important game.

No such problems interfered with the Super Bowl at sea this time. The game was not available on the in-room televisions so sports fans gathered in several public venues, including up on the pool deck. A Princess trademark is its large outdoor TV screen where they show movies at night during warm weather. This time the screen was dedicated to football and a large crowd gathered. It truly was a memorable way to watch a Super Bowl.

Soon the extended sea days will end on this voyage as we not only visit Guatemala, but Costa Rica as well. Then, we transit the canal on our way to the Caribbean. I’ll continue this report next week.

Meantime if the idea of a southern California cruise sounds intriguing to you, keep in mind that available destinations also include round trips to Hawaii, Mexico, and even cruises up the California coast. A cruise-oriented travel agent can help you find one to your liking.

 David Loe was the co-owner of a travel business in Ventura County for 25 years. His column appears monthly. He welcomes your feedback at davidloe@sbcglobal.net.