COPA, Banco General and ACP lead the ranking of companies with the best reputation in Panama in 2023

News from Panama / Friday, January 26th, 2024

For the sixth consecutive year, the Corporate Reputation Business Monitor (MERCO), presented the rankings of the 100 companies and the 100 leaders with the best reputation, and that of the 100 most responsible companies in Panama in 2023, where the top 3 is led by Copa Airlines (COPA) in first place, Banco General (BG) second and the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) in third place.

Regarding the leader classification, Pedro Heilbron of COPA, is once again the leader with the best reputation in Panama; followed once again by Stanley Motta of Inversiones Bahía; while Juan RaúlHumbert, of BG ascends from the fourth to the third position.

On the other hand, the top 3 of the 100 ranking of the most responsible companies in terms of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) of

Panama 2023 is headed by Banco General in the first place, followed by the ACP and in third place is COPA.

As for the ESG subrankings, the ACP is the most responsible company both in terms of environmental and in terms of ethics in governance, while the BG stands out in the social subranking (employees, customers, society).

The Top 10 is completed by the National Bank of Panama in the fourth position, Riba Smith Supermarket in the fifth place, the sixth Savings Bank, National Brewery in seventh place, Ricardo Pérez Toyota in the eighth position, La Casa de las Baterías ninth place and Banistmo in the tenth position.

MERCO Panama 2023 had the participation of 225 managers, 30 financial analysts, 30 economic information journalists, 30 Dircoms and opinion leaders, 30 NGO leaders, 25 union leaders, 25 consumer associations, 25 business professors and 800 consumers.

Along with these evaluations, it is considered an analysis of the reputation in the digital field of companies (Merco Digital), with 159,997 mentions, and the reality of these through an evaluation of reputational merits by 32 companies.