Consumer Goods Increase Imports

News from Panama / Wednesday, January 23rd, 2019

From January to November 2018, Panama reported purchases abroad for $12.1 billion, recording a 5% increase over the same period in 2017, a rise explained by imports of consumer goods.

The most recent report of the General Comptroller of the Republic details that between the first nine eleven months of 2017 and the same period of 2018, purchases abroad increased from $11.558 million to $12.101 million.

Imports of intermediate goods also increased, in this case by 2%, going from $2,921 from January to November 2017 to $2,975 million in the same period of 2018.

Purchases of consumer goods for the periods concerned increased 10%, from $5,318 million to $5,865 million. Imports of capital goods were the only ones registering a decline, from $3.319 million to $3.261 million.

See full figures.

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