Coastal Land for Auction in Panama

News from Panama / Sunday, March 3rd, 2013

Government officials have announced the preparation of a tender for the Juan Hombrón coastal lands in the province of Cocle, valued at between $80 and $135 million. reports that the land in question has been the subject of a fraudulent concession award, which resulted in an investigation that led to the resignation of the Minister of the Presidency Demetrio Papadimitriu, in July 2012.

The 14 farms on the coasts in Cocle had been awarded to the parents of the former Minister Papadimitriu by Anabelle Villamonte, former Director of Qualifications, who authorized and signed resolutions for the allocation of 54.3 hectares of the Juan Hombrón lands which she had previously requested as lawyer for the Papadimitriu family.

President Martinelli revealed in an interview that “I have asked Mr. Oduber to make, through the Ministry of Finance, the respective auction in case there are any interested parties. I do believe that public lands should be put to use once they have been sold. ”


From Panama Guide following the announcement:

Martinelli said it would be a public tender and he invited all those who said this land was worth millions of dollars to participate. He added with the goal of preventing people from taking advantage of these coastal lands, they have to change the way Rights of Possession are granted for beachfront properties. “We’re going to have to do it (sell the land in Juan Hombron), so there is no doubt, or belief we are trying to benefit or help someone else,” he said. He added – without elaborating – that they will have to modify this law “respecting the rights of possession, but before doing so, to give a title, there should be a pristine process.” He did not specify whether he was referring to the law of the National Authority of Land Management (Anati).

You have got to love Don Winner’s comment on the article as is clearly on target and just another day of fun in the sun!!

“Hoo Boy. Martinelli went up to Las Tablas to inaugurate a new road. While there he announced that these lands in Juan Hombron would be sold via public auction. Now ask yourself – who in their right mind would invest a few million dollars to buy this land, knowing there’s a 100% chance that someone is immediately going to file some sort of a legal action, suit, or claim against it? You would have to be start raving MAD to buy that land, under practically any circumstances. Nuts. Loco. Smoking bat guano for lunch. With that having been said, I love this plan. More shoot from the hip crazy shit from the CD guys. It’s always entertaining. Oh, and while we’re at it, just toss in a couple of references to making some more changes to the way beachfront land is bought and sold. Because, you know, there’s nothing international investors like more than Executive improvisation. Just make it up as you go along, that’s the spirit…”