Chinese Cement Targets Panama

News from Panama / Monday, December 10th, 2018

An estimated 7,000 tons of cement from the Asian country have already entered the country, a product that is still stored and waiting to be commercialized.

Businessmen of the sector warn that norms and quality standards need to be established to regulate the entry into the country of imported material, which will compete with local production.

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Regarding the arrival of Chinese cement, reports that “… Local companies request that environmentally friendly conditions be demanded for products that arrive in the country, equivalent to Panamanian standards, to compete on equal terms.

The article adds that “… Sources from the sector assure that 7,000 tons or 164,000 sacks have already entered the country and are stored in a warehouse located in the community of Las Mananitas, Tocumen. As a strategy to promote the product, according to information from sources, samples have been distributed and delivered to hardware stores run by China’s nationals.

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