Central America: Coffee Statistics – November 2015

News from Panama / Wednesday, February 17th, 2016

Steaming black coffee in glass cup on coffee beans

Between January and November, the region exported 651,000 metric tons of coffee, 4.14% more than in the same period in 2014.

Figures from Central Agricultural Monitor, prepared by the Business Intelligence unit at CentralAmericaData.com reveal that Central American coffee exports maintained their growth.

Between January and November 2015, the region exported 651,517 metric tons of coffee, equivalent to $2,387.7 million. This amount exceeds the 625.591 MT sold abroad in the same period in 2014, which generated revenues of $2.184,5 million.

Despite this growth, exports still remain below the amount recorded in the same period in 2013, when the region exported 684.799 MT.

Honduras remains the largest coffee exporter in the region, with 281,205 MT sold abroad in the period in question, followed by Guatemala, with 170,894 MT, Nicaragua, with 100,133 MT, Costa Rica, with 64,004 MT, El Salvador, with 33,686 MT, and Panama, with 1,595 MT.