Cabinet approves studies and concession for the Cable Car in Panama and San Miguelito

News from Panama / Friday, August 23rd, 2024

The Cabinet Council has approved Resolution No. 78-24, which declares the cable car project that will be developed in the districts of Panama and San Miguelito to be of public interest. This project, which will be executed under the modality of Administrative Concession System, seeks to improve connectivity in areas that are currently not adequately served by lines 1 and 2 of the Metro or by the Metrobus fleet, due to the topographic conditions of the area.

The resolution also authorizes Metro de Panamá, S.A. to start the study process and the selection of the concessionaire who will be responsible for the execution of the cable car. According to the provisions, Metro de Panamá must submit to the Cabinet, within a maximum period of four months, the draft of the statement of charges and the draft contract. In addition, the Ministry of Economy and Finance has received authorization to transfer the necessary items or approve additional credits for the studies prior to the tender.

This decision was made after the Shareholders’ Meeting of Metro de Panamá, S.A., through Resolution No. MPSA-01-2024 of August 8, 2024, instructed the general manager, César A. Pinzón, to request the Cabinet to qualify the cable car project as of public interest, in accordance with article 6 of Law 5 of 1988.

In the same session, the Cabinet approved Resolution No. 77-24, which modifies Cabinet Resolution No. 77 of October 20, 2020. This modification increases the economic limit of the Compensation and Social Assistance Program (PCAS) to US$4.780,000, intended for people in situations of social vulnerability who are displaced by the construction of Line 3 of the Panama Metro. The previous limit established in 2020 was US$3,437,270.

The new resolution also establishes a limit of US$2,500 in the economic support that Metro de Panamá, S.A. can grant to the owners of private properties affected by the metro works, provided that they comply with the stipulated conditions.