Business Resilience in Times of Crisis

News from Panama / Tuesday, March 24th, 2020

Identifying critical business needs and setting up plans on how to maintain supplies and operations, as well as establishing communication channels with suppliers to be informed in case of any eventuality, are part of the advice for companies.

The coronavirus has already affected the world economy, and its effects do not seem to stop. With countries in quarantine, financial markets in the black and international trade diminished, the economic outlook is not very encouraging, explains a document from the Guatemalan exporters’ union.

Coronavirus: How do the prospects for the markets change?
The “Information System: Impact Analysis of Covid-19 on Business” answers these and other questions in times of uncertainty.

From the Agexport press release:

In this environment of great uncertainty, preventive risk management is key to minimizing the impact on businesses and reacting better to this crisis.

Therefore, from AGEXPORT we want to help our export partners to prepare effectively for this outbreak and its possible repercussions. Analyzing their risks and establishing action plans for eventualities can even prevent a shutdown of operations:

1. Emergency responses:
a. First of all, it is important to protect the life and integrity of the collaborators. Have reaction plans, as well as communication plans to inform staff, customers and suppliers of the plans to be executed.

2. Elaborate a Business Continuity Plan:
a. Plan how to keep essential operations functioning in the midst of a possible emergency.
b. To do this, it is important to identify the critical needs of the business and establish plans on how to maintain supplies and operations.
c. Also prepare for situations where critical personnel cannot operate.

Read full article (In Spanish).


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