Boquete’s Edgar Vargas wins Panama National Guitar Competition

News from Panama / Tuesday, May 27th, 2014

Congratulations goes out to Edgar Vargas, local musician extraordinaire, for coming in first place in a Guitar competition in Panama City.  The event started 3 weeks ago with 18 of the finest guitarist in all of Panama participating by special invitation.  Edgar won the first event which carried him to the second round which took place last Saturday.  Because Edgar was performing in the Cabaret Show at BCP that weekend, he had to catch a midnight bus to Panama City, participate in the competition at 1:00 PM, then catch a flight back to David to be back at BCP for his Saturday night performance.  Unfortunately, this meant the Saturday Matinee goers were not able to experience his performance, but his Saturday night performance was nothing short of stunning.  Ask anyone who was there.  This week was the final round and Edgar proved his expertise and wowed the judges.

Edgar is probably one of the best guitar players that I have ever had the pleasure of listening to.  His music rips into your soul and makes the hair on the back of your neck tingle.  I share a saying that I found that describes Edgar and what he does perfectly.  Way to go Man!!

The master in the Art of Life does not distinguish much between his work and his play, his work and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation, his love and his religion.  He barely distinguishes which is which.  Simply, he perceives his vision of excellency in everything he does, leaving others to decide if he is working or playing.  To his own eyes, he is always doing both.”

Click on his picture to see him play