The Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (PAHO / WHO) held the national consultation of the Country Cooperation Strategy for the period 2023-2028 with a broad participation of actors from the health sector and others linked to the well-being and development of the Panamanian population.
The PAHO/WHO Cooperation Strategy with Panama constitutes the working agreement between both parties for the period 2023–2028; it is based on priorities defined from the National Health Policies, the goals established in the Strategic Government Plan 2019 – 2024, as well as on other international instruments such as the Sustainable Health Agenda for the Americas 2018-2030, the PAHO Strategic Plan 2020-2025, the 13th
“PAHO has focused on strengthening Panama’s progress in the field of health, but simultaneously seeks to print dynamism for the approach to the outstanding challenges, cooperating in the elaboration of diagnoses, identification of priorities, transfer of capacities, accompaniment in the execution and monitoring of health activities defined by the Government,” said Ms. Thays Noriega, Director of the Office of International Affairs.
The ECP, which will be in force for the next five years, will be “the result of collective work with the joint vision of strengthening national capacity and enhancing international cooperation,” said Lic. Noriega.
The PAHO/WHO Cooperation Strategy with the Country is a medium-term vision of its technical cooperation with the Member State to advance in the achievement of national health and development goals. The new ECP, which will enter into force when it is signed by both parties through the signing of the document, will give continuity to previous processes, protect achievements achieved, address pending and contribute to addressing new health challenges of the population and the health system.
“For us, the ECP is the reference framework for the coming years to work with all of you and have guidelines to collaborate and improve the health of the Panamanian population,” said Dr. Ana Rivière Cinnamond, PAHO/WHO Representative in Panama. And “the comments of each of you to improve the strategy, during this consultation, will be of great value because they will allow us to cooperate and work in the best possible way over the next five years,” emphasized Dr. Rivière.
The national consultation was held in two working days. The first had the participation of representatives of the health sector: the Ministry of Health, with national and technical directors of various areas, as well as the Social Security Fund, the Gorgas Memorial Institute of Health Studies, directors of national hospitals and other government institutions, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Women, the Ministry of Agricultural Development, the Government Innovation Authority (AIG), the
The second day was attended by embassies, Agencies of the United Nations System, delegates from the academy, guilds, professional associations and civil society organizations.
A team from the PAHO/WHO Regional Office, composed of Ms. Saadia Lakhdim, from the Coordination Office of Cooperation to Countries and subregions (WDC); Dr. Laura Ramírez, Health Systems and Services Adviser of the Representation in El Salvador; and Dr. Gloria Giraldo, Advisor on Noncommunicable Diseases of the Representation in Barbados, participated in the development of the national consultation The process was accompanied by the technical team of the PAHO/WHO Representation in Panama.
“The ECP is part of the principles of equity and solidarity and constitutes the medium-term strategic orientation of technical cooperation, depending on the specific needs of the country” and “allows to build a medium-term vision for PAHO/WHO technical cooperation with the country by providing a strategic reference framework for work in and with the country and all organizations as a whole. Its objective is to have an integrated proposal for cooperation that, in alignment with the national development objectives, responds to the policies and needs of the country,” said Ms. Lakhdim.
The analysis of the health situation and the Panamanian health system for the elaboration of the strategy, as well as the consideration of national, regional and global policy instruments, allowed the identification of priorities and areas of focus whose orientation will facilitate the implementation of projects and interventions that will promote the national development of health with equity. In the preparation of the ECP and during its consultation, the need and importance of working considering the four cross-cutting issues contained in the PAHO Strategic Plan was stressed:
- Human rights
- Equity
- Interculturality, and gender.
Five strategic priorities and 17 areas of focus were identified, related to the following topics:
- Strengthening of the National Health Authority
- Provision and equitable access to health services
- Comprehensive approach for reducing the burden of ENTs and mental health
- Intersectoral work to reduce the impact of communicable diseases
- Comprehensive risk management.
Once the document review process is completed, the Cooperation Strategy with Panama 2023-2028 will be signed, between the Ministry of Health, on behalf of the National Government and PAHO/WHO. When signed, the ECP will be a guide for the management of PAHO/WHO cooperation in Panama, with the government and strategic allies, to strengthen health development, promote the reduction of inequities and facilitate the enjoyment of the right to health by the Panamanian population.