Boquete Jazz & Blues Festival 2017 is Here!!

News from Panama / Monday, January 30th, 2017


Jazz Fest 2107 pic

Well folks, our world-class festival is here again for the 11th year and the line up this year is proving to be the best yet, including Grammy Nominee, Joe Luis Walker.  Mid week Wednesday February the 8th he opens the jam sessions at The Rock.

Thursday is the grand parade that Susie heads up that begins at our playhouse and winds through town ending back at the town square where polera dancers and dignitaries will join the festivities.

Friday there is the garden party and auction which this year includes an item I would love to bid on.  A 3 day and 4 night fishing trip for 4 anglers sponsored by Cebaco Bay Sport Fishing Club valued at $12,412.00.  Current bid is at $6,000!!    See the Package Here

Friday evening, the performances begin in Valle Escondido and continue each day Saturday and Sunday.

For the complete line up and more see Boquete Jazz and Blues Festival 2017

The BJBF2017 festival program booklet has been published! Read or download a preview edition here: