Boquete is getting a $22.5 Million upgrade in it’s water and sewer system

News from Panama / Wednesday, June 17th, 2015

varella in boquete

Susie and I were sitting happily sipping a cocktail on the side walk at Black and White when this motorcade comes flying by.  I said that it has to be President Varella and wondered what he was here for.  I have seen the surveyors working in the streets and I know the head engineer signed a 3 year lease here, so I knew it was really going to happen.  Finally, we are getting the upgrade to our water and sewer system that will insure the growth potential for Boquete.

President Juan Carlos Varela Rodríguez handed over the order to proceed to the company Asociación Accidental Aguas de Boquete for the “Study, Design, Construction, Maintenance and Operation of the Aqueduct, Water Treatment System, Sanitary Sewage Network and Residual Waters Treatment Plant for the District of Boquete, in the Province of Chiriqui”.

This project, which has a value of 22.5 million Balboas and includes de complete design of the works for supply and distribution of potable water for the townships of Bajo Boquete, Alto Boquete and the community of Los Naranjos for a useful life of 20 years, will improve the quality of life of 20 thousand residents in the townships of Los Naranjos, Bajo Boquete and Alto Boquete.

In addition, the project includes gathering, treatment and storage of the intake at Los Ladrillos and Valle Escondido and the complete design of the sanitary sewage system for the community of Bajo Boquete, including the design of the residual waters treatment system.

The project, which will be in charge of Asociación Accidental Aguas de Boquete, comprised by the companies: Constructora Urbana, S.A. and Administradora de Proyectos de Construcción, S.A. (APROCOSA, for its initials in Spanish), must finish in a period of 5 years starting with the Order to Proceed, issued by the National Council for Sustained Development (CONADES, for its initials in Spanish).

President Varela Rodríguez emphasized that with this project, not only will the quality of life of the residents of District of Boquete be improved, but also the local economy will be impacted with the creation of new job opportunities and economic prosperity for the residents of this town in Chiriqui will be attained.

The President reiterated the Program 100% Potable Water and Basic Health is a strategic plan for all Panamanians, for the country and for the Government; since without access to these conditions there may be no development with equity and justice, with social inclusion and participation in the enjoyment of the richness the country is capable of generating.

Previous Process

The Public Act for the bid on this project was set on January 7th, 2015 and the receipt and opening of proposals were executed on March 20th, 2015.

Nine companies participated in the bid and the project was given to the bidder with the highest score in the weighing methodology, as long as they comply with the minimum obligatory requisites.

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