Beach Weekend

News from Panama / Monday, January 28th, 2019

Good morning and welcome to The Panama Perspective.  Summer is here in Panama and as rainy season is still  a few months away, it is good to get away and visit a beach near our home in the mountains.  Just an hour and a half away we go to Las Lajas for a little fun in the sun.  There is practically no development there yet and the miles of beach can be deserted at times.  That is fine with me and while one day there will probably be one hotel after another on the beach, today there is one little place that we love called Las Lajas Beach Resort.

The beach has a gradual slope into the Pacific ocean and is extremely swimmer friendly.  At low tide it is a 150 yard hike to the water on soft warm sand.  On high tide you can walk right off the lawn into the surf and at night the sound is incredible.  So are the stars as there is no night lights to disturb the darkness.   It was indeed a nice weekend.

We arrived in time for lunch and when on the beach, eat fish!! Pescado Entero Frito and in this case Corvina with a side of fried plantanos, heaven!!

Our day was made up of lounging by the beach and lounging by the pool with an occasional lounging at the bar for a freshly made Pina Colada!

Susie and I were in heaven!!

Sunset was spectacular even without a cloud in the sky.

Next morning was also incredible and I did some more wave chasing while looking for Susie.

Last but my favorite was chasing some pelicans into the early morning sun. Click the video above.

What a great weekend and we were back in the mountains in a little over an hour and a half where it was 75 degrees and a cloudless sky.  So on Monday morning, I open my computer and the headlines are….

Click on the picture, so funny, at least from my perspective!!

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