Aviation Corner

News from Panama / Friday, February 10th, 2012

Here are two great video presentations that I saw this week and I thought that some of my readers who are pilots might like them.

The first is about an ill fated flight where the pilot saved the day and everyone on board.

You tube Video

On January 15, 2009, Captain Chelsey Burnett Sullenberger III catapulted to worldwide fame after miraculously landing a stricken Airbus A320 safely on New York’s Hudson River, saving the lives of all 155 people on board.  It was a remarkable story and endeared ‘Sully’ to America forever.  This Black Box recreation of the events of that day casts some more light on what transpired both in the cockpit and the control tower at La Guardia, and tells an utterly amazing story of serenity under pressure, the likes of which I have seldom seen.  This is truly remarkable.

The second is the “gotta get one of these”

CarterCopters, gotta have one.