From cattle rancher to butterfly ‘farmer’, the new emerging ecological business in Panama

News from Panama

Panamanian Jaime Navarro left traditional livestock seven years ago to dedicate himself with suspicion to the “clocunate” butterfly breeding business, a sustainable model that is emerging in Panama thanks to foreign demand and its environmentally friendly system. We did a lot of rehearsals in different lines such as livestock and agriculture, but when you went […]

August 18, 2023

Cortizo inaugurated the La Concepción-Cuesta de Piedra-Volcán road

News from Panama

President Laurentino Cortizo delivered this Friday, August 18 in the province of Chiriquí the rehabilitation and expansion of the La Concepción-Cuesta de Piedra-Volcán road, a work that cost 84.2 million dollars.  According to the State Communication Directorate, this route will have an impact on commercial, agricultural and tourist economic activities.  The work was inaugurated within […]

August 18, 2023

World Robotics Olympics will be held at the Panama Convention Center and the Latin American Astronomy and Astronautics Olympiad, which will take place in the province of Chiriquí

News from Panama

Panama will host in November the World Robotics Olympics (WRO 2023), which will be held at the Panama Convention Center and the Latin American Astronomy and Astronautics Olympiad (OLAA 2022-2023), which will take place in the province of Chiriquí in October. With these two international events dedicated to the promotion of education in science and technology, […]

August 11, 2023

Panama Deploys 1,200 Security Officers in Darién

News from Panama

The Panamanian government has deployed 1,200 members of its security forces in the Darién jungle, on the border with Colombia, to combat transnational criminal groups that plague this inhospitable area in the middle of the South American drug and arms trafficking route. Crimes in recent weeks in the region clearly show an increase in the […]

August 11, 2023