AMP and marina owners in Bocas del Toro seek to attract more international boats

News from Panama / Friday, September 13th, 2024

The Maritime Authority of Panama (AMP) held a meeting with the owners of marinas in Bocas del Toro to plan strategies that speed up maritime processes and promote the arrival of sailboats, yachts and megayachts to the national territory.

In this initial meeting, the Deputy Administrator General of the AMP, Alexander De Gracia, spoke with the representatives of the marinas Red Frog, Cayo Coral and Bocas Marine Tours about the plans to speed up and simplify procedures for international customers entering Panamanian waters.

During the meeting, various initiatives aimed at improving the experience of international boat owners and facilitating their stay in Panama were discussed, and among the proposals, the reduction of bureaucratic procedures and the implementation of more efficient services in the country’s marinas were highlighted, with the aim of turning Panama into a preferred destination for high-level nautical tourism.

De Gracia stressed the importance of this type of strategic alliances between the public and private sectors to boost the country’s maritime development and strengthen the tourism industry. “We want Panama to be recognized as an attractive and competitive destination for nautical tourism, offering facilities and quality services to international visitors,” he said.

The AMP and the owners of the marinas committed to continue working together to develop new measures that promote the growth of the sector and the positioning of Panama as a hub of maritime tourism in the region.

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