Air Panama lands a Boeing 737 in Panama

News from Panama / Monday, August 12th, 2013

Well, it is not the landing on the moon but it is close enough to that historic event for me.  I have waited 5 years and I have wondered if we would ever see 737 heavy traffic here in David. It is a start that Air Panama has landed a 737 in Panama. Their new website lists Panama Tocumen as an option for departures, so maybe we will see direct flight from there to David soon, that would be a good first step.

My first contact in Panama, good friend and developer of the finest mountain community in Central America used to always say to Panamanian officials and investors interested in seeing the province of Chiriqui grow, “Don’t try to do many things, do only one thing, build a new airport in David.”   And boy did they, a world class terminal and then they added to that a new 4 lane highway to Boquete at a cost of well over a hundred million dollars.  (Thank you for allowing me to know you Sam Taliaferro) . Now folks, where have you ever seen a country throw it economic might like this at a small City in Central America and a terminal town high up in the mountains with a population of only 20,000 people. NOWHERE BUT HERE IN CHIRIQUI!

Boquete has been on the radar for many years and the AARP list of the top ten places to retire since I got here in 2006.  The Chiriqui coast is probably the finest in Central America and home to some of  the best deep sea fishing in the world, not to mention the dozens of “Gilligan’s Islands” located just offshore.  I could go on for hours but invite you to come see for yourself WHY CHIRIQUI AND WHY BOQUETE.

Soon , we will have direct flights from Miami and Houston, yeah Baby!!