A Magical Night of Music at Valle Escondido

News from Panama / Thursday, March 13th, 2014

Last Saturday evening we did indeed have a magical night of music and entertainment.  With Caesar Sherrad as our Master of Ceremonies, Gary Whiting and his band played the first hour.    He’s well known in the community and has played at most of the local venues including the recent Jazz & Blues Festival.  The venue for Saturday night was our amphitheater that hosted a sold out audience for the Jazz fest and there were hundreds of people in attendance Saturday night.  The moon and stars were out, the weather was typically cool as we listened to some Santana and Hendrix that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up!

Randy Pigott, who played with Willie Nelson in the past,  then entertained with his guitar and storytelling. Randy very seldom performs these days. We were honored and thrilled that he had taken the time to participate.  Like many here, Randy is one of the best musical secrets of Boquete.

The Randy Pigott concert, a fundraiser for Eric Carlson’s medical fund, was heartwarming, intimate, and uplifting.  To top it off Eric returned to us and was present after successful surgery in the US and is cancer free!!

Click on these links for the video I took.  Sorry for the quality as I took it with my phone but you can get the feel for the vibe that night.

