A Beautiful Day for a Parade in Boquete

News from Panama / Wednesday, November 4th, 2015

polera girl

Mark Heyer sent me some pics from Tuesday’s Independence day parade here in Boquete.

Once again, the parade season is upon us in Boquete. Today was a fabulous day and a good time was had by all.

parade day

As usual, I have posted some pics from the parade here for your enjoyment. And as I always say, the real stars of these parades are the young women. This is their moment to shine and do they ever! I am always knocked out by the attention to detail and variety in their uniforms and their obvious pride in their presence and beauty. They are truly the future of Panama.


For those of you new to Panama, the parades and the Pollera tradition, are a unique cultural heritage of Panama. There are no commercial sponsors or TV news coverage. The people participating in the parades do so for their own gratification and the appreciation of the people lining the route. Their faces tell the story.

parade girl

Mark Heyer