Flash Mob Strikes Boquete !!

News from Panama / Thursday, February 13th, 2014

Well it was bound to happen, just like the “Occupy Boquete” movement that has been happening for over 10 years now!  A Flash Mob assembled in Boquete’s downtown park a little bit after noon on Thursday just as the Boquete Jazz and Blues Festival was kicked off with the annual golf cart parade and street performance.  The weather was perfect and everyone was decked out for the Mardi Gras themed event that ended with a garden party and silent auction at the Panamonte Hotel.

Some of our clients like Isla Palenque Resort and Bocas del Mar Resort donated room nights to be auctioned off to help support the Festival.  What a great time and a huge party in Boquete taking place now through Sunday. Click on the Pic to see the video.

Here is a video of the parade.

More videos of the performances next week.