Costa Rica: Cost of Electricity Doubles That of U.S.

News from Panama / Tuesday, January 28th, 2014

I cannot imagine seeing an electric bill that was double what I used to pay in the US but then again, we are lucky here in Boquete where our consumption is low since we do not have the need for air conditioning and rates here are not that bad.  Thanks goodness for the Hydro electric power we produce.

The price paid by Costa Rican industry for electricity consumption is 41% higher than in the European Union and 259% higher than in the U.S.

Industry has expressed its anger against the rising cost of electricity as it is making production more expensive and exports are becoming less competitive against rival markets where energy is cheaper.

In 2013 in the U.S. the average kilowatt / hour was worth 6.8 cents, and in the EU the average price was 12.4 cents, while in Costa Rica the cost was 17.6 cents.

Factors that could cause further increases in electricity bills for this 2014, are the risk of less rain and the multi million dollar expenses that the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) has assumed for thermal generation.

“… If there is a deficit in hydroelectric generation, the shortfall will be covered by burning fuels. That, according to his calculations, will raise the annual bill by about $110 million,” said Carlos Montenegro, deputy executive director of the Chamber of Industries of Costa Rica.