Drop in Coffee Prices Sharpens

News from Panama / Monday, November 4th, 2013

While we have some of the best coffee in the world here in Boquete, the cost to maintain it has gone up and we must continue to grow the better variates or loose money like some of the other countries.

The abundant harvests in Brazil and Colombia have pushed down the price of the grain, which could reach less than $100 a quintal.

“This puts Nicaraguan coffee in a difficult position as it has long been the main export product of Nicaragua …” reported Laprensa.com.ni.

According to the specialist in international markets at Invercasa Puesto de Bolsa, Raul Amador, the downward trend in prices will continue, because until a few days ago the average price per quintal of coffee was $109.10.

That trend “… is due to the existing overproduction in Brazil, globally this year saw a record crop of 145 million quintals, of which at least 55 million were in Brazil,” said Amador.

Top 5 most expensive coffee beans

We can’t do without coffee. Now we want to pay tribute to this divine drink by giving you the top 5 most expensive coffee beans.

1. Kopi Luwak: varying from $115,- to $590,- per 500 grams
Kopi Luwak is the most luxurious coffee in the world. ‘Kopi’ means coffee in Indonesian and ‘Luwak’ is an Indonesian animal that eats the raw coffee berry. The animal can’t digest the bean in the berry and secretes the bean. This process forms the basis of this legendary coffee.

2. La Esmeralda: This is from our little town in the mountains.  In 2013 the top lot was auctioned for $350 per pound!!
This coffee is well known as the ‘Esmeralda Special’. The coffee beans are produced at the farm Esmeralda Jaramillo in the mountains of West Panama. It’s intense and strong taste is the result of the cold climate and the careful harvesting of the bean.

3. St. Helena Coffee: $80,- per 500 grams
This coffee is the product of the small island of Saint Helena. The coffee is made from the ‘Green Tipped Bourbon Arabica’, a bean that is exclusive to this island. The taste is pleasant and fruity.

4. Fazenda Santa Ines Coffee: $50,- per 500 grams
This coffee comes from Minas Gerais in Brazil. It is produced on the Fazenda Santa Ines farm in a traditional matter. There are no automated processes involved. It’s great taste is characterised by the sweetness of caramel and berries.

5. Blue Mountain Coffee: $45,- per 500 grams
This coffee is produced on the east side of the Blue Mountains on Jamaica. The coffee is famous for it’s mild taste without bitterness. These beans also form the basis for the liquor Tia Maria.