Panama: Blacklist of Property Developers

News from Panama / Wednesday, July 24th, 2013

It is about time that this becomes public information.  Perhaps it may help clean up some of the developer’s acts, that in some cases have been outrageous.  Panama is not the only place.  Back in Miami there was a lot of problems, especially when the market crashed.

The National Union of Consumers and Users is to keep a registry of complaints and denouncements against developers and operators of real estate projects.

The initiative is being promoted by the National Union of Consumers and Users of the Republic of Panama (Uncurepa) and the Panamanian Institute of Consumer and User Rights (Ipadecu) who ??today will hold a forum entitled “Legal security, Decent Housing,” which aims to bring together buyers who have been affected by abuse or failure on the part of developers.

The activity will take place between 6:30 pm and 8:30 pm in the book store Exedra Books, and which will also include the presentation of a number of legal tools which buyers can use to deal with such problems.

Between May 2006 and June 2013 there have been 3,277 complaints against real estate developers, for an amount of up to $234 million. Complaints range from breaches of contract and warranty claims to failure to return deposits.