Panama: Growth in Middle Class Housing

News from Panama / Friday, July 20th, 2012

Here in Boquete an affordable housing developer is doing well in the price point now popular in building across the country.  Buyers can take advantage of subsidized loan rates and buy a home with little down and $400 per month.

An article in reports that the construction has generally increased: “Building permits valued at $1,640.1 million were recorded in Panama City in the first five months of this year which compared to same period of 2011 represents growth of 83.8%. May is the month with the highest volume of all, with $518 million in 2012. ”

Regis Gaston, president of the Panamanian Chamber of Construction (CAPAC), states that “we envision a growth in the housing supply mainly in properties with prices between $80,000 and $120,000 because they are included in the Preferred Interest Act.”

Meanwhile Joseph Bern, executive vice president of Empresas Bern, states that “In general there is a sustained growth in the construction industry with a migration to low-cost residential, industrial and commercial construction.”