Maersk Line Moves from Brazil to Panama

News from Panama / Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

I can remember as a young man standing on the deck of a freight ship in the Singapore harbor marveling at the number of vessels  at anchor especially the large Maersk Line ships.  I am reminded of Panama’s growth potential and it’s path to becoming another Singapore.  Now the true Hub of the Americas, Panama can boast of another corporation making it’s home here.  Here the CEO of Maersk Line says it all.

At present, economic conditions relating to cost, proximity to major markets, ease of travel, exchange rate stability due to using the dollar as legal tender, and synergies with other business units located in Panama, have generate necessary environment that has led us to make the decision to relocate our regional office to Panama,” said Robbert Jan van Trooijen, CEO of Maersk Line in Latin America.

According to an article in, “Maersk Line is one of the main users of the Panama Canal, the ports of Balboa and Manzanillo and the Panama Railroad. The company made over 500 trips through the waterway and transported more than 100,000 containers on the rail system in 2011 .”

About Maersk Line

Maersk Line, the global containerized division of the A.P. Moller – Maersk Group, is dedicated to delivering the highest level of customer-focused and reliable ocean transportation services. Our vision, built from a strong heritage of uprightness, constant care, and innovation, has guided our business operations since  the first Maersk Line vessel sailed in 1904. By remaining committed to that vision we have expanded our business to become the world’s largest ocean carrier. And we are consistently recognized as the most reliable container shipping company.

The Maersk Line fleet comprises more than 600 vessels and a number of containers corresponding to more than 3,800,000 TEU* . This  ensures a reliable and comprehensive coverage worldwide.

*Twenty foot Equivalent Unit – a 20 foot long container