CABEI supports the strengthening of water management in Panama

News from Panama / Friday, August 2nd, 2024

In an effort to address the challenges of climate change and improve watershed management in Panama, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) supported the First National Watershed Congress, organized by the International Center for Sustainable Development (CIDES). This event, held on July 24 to 26, brought together more than 250 participants.

The Congress served as a forum for dialogue and learning, where researchers, experts and key stakeholders exchanged knowledge and experiences on hydrology, water quality, ecosystem restoration, and biodiversity. Challenges and opportunities for sustainable management of basins were discussed in depth, identifying innovative solutions and practices for their implementation.

In addition, the event fostered collaboration between the public, private, and community sectors, laying the groundwork for the creation of networks and strategic alliances for the protection and conservation of water resources.

CABEI has an extensive track record in promoting sustainable water management in the Central American region. In Costa Rica, for example, the “Water Supply Program for the San José Metropolitan Area” and other projects have demonstrated the Bank’s commitment to the conservation and proper sanitation of water resources.

The Bank will actively continue working to promote projects that foster a more resilient and prosperous future for the Central American region, with a special focus on the sustainable management of natural resources and adaptation to climate change.